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Curtin Robotics Club

Advanced Hackathon: The Heist

Mon, 5 Sep 2022
05-09-2022 10:00
06-09-2022 17:00

CROC presents Hackathon - The Heist!

We are back again this semester with a brand new challenge! Your mission, should you choose to accept - is to create a bot that can pull off the heist of the century! Over two-days during the study break, participants will come together in teams to build an Arduino based robot that can complete a set of surprise challenges.

Basic familiarity with the arduino or the arduino IDE is recommended for this advanced Hackathon. On the day, teams will receive all the components and material needed to build their bot as well as a complete components list that will be sent out prior to the event so you can get the best start possible!   

Ensure to sign up to reserve your place now. This is to ensure we can cater FREE food and prepare robotics kits for an accurate number of people. Also, bring your own laptops, chargers, and have the Arduino IDE installed. 

As usual, this event is FREE! 

Please don't hesitate to message us if you have any questions.

Ticket Type Price
Admission x 1 $0.00 Sale Ended
Engineering Pavilion
Curtin College, 215, Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Room 105, Building 215, Engineering Pavilion, Curtin University Bentley, Perth, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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