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Curtin Robotics Club

CAD Workshop - Part 2

Thu, 22 Sep 2022
18:30 - 19:30

Hey everyone!

CRoC presents the return of the CAD workshops!

Are you interested in learning how to CAD? Not sure where to start and how? Join our CAD workshops!

Starting from a beginner level, participants will learn how to use CAD to create their very own files for a 3D-printable fidget gadget. This short workshop series will run during two of our Build Nights sessions on the 15th and 22nd of September, and is open to anyone and everyone to participate! This is Part 2 of this workshop series covering the basics for those new to CAD drawing and the Inventor software.

Make sure to register your interest in this free event via the tickets page - there are limited spots, so book in while you can to get in for our last workshop of the year!

WHEN: Thursday, 22/9
TIME: 6-7pm
WHERE: Meet at Engineering Pavillion, Ground floor

Ticket Type Price
1x Admission $0.00 Sale Ended
Engineering Pavilion
Curtin College, 215, Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Room 105, Building 215, Engineering Pavilion, Curtin University Bentley, Perth, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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