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Curtin Robotics Club

PCB Workshop

Tue, 4 Apr 2023
18:30 - 20:30

Are you interested in learning how to design a PCB? Come to this workshop run by the Curtin Robotics Club to learn how! 

We'll cover the basics - from making a schematic to turning it into a fully fledged board.  

This workshop will teach you how to use KiCad, an open-source circuit design software, giving you the skills to design your own PCBs with professional quality. The circuit you design will be a bit counter that you can choose to assemble later during our soldering workshop! It is recommended to have KiCad installed on your computer before the event begins, follow this link for installation (it's FREE): https://www.kicad.org/download/

Ticket Type Price
CRoC's PCB Workshop Free Ticket $0.00 Sale Ended
215, Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Room 105, Building 215, Engineering Pavilion, Curtin University Bentley, Perth, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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