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Curtin Robotics Club

Soldering Workshop

Tue, 18 Apr 2023
18:30 - 20:30

Are you interested in learning how to solder? Come to this workshop run by the Curtin Robotics Club in collaboration with the Perth Artifactory.

This workshop will cover the basics of through hole soldering, such as soldering on a PCB or protoboard, removing components (called desoldering), and connecting small wires together. More information wil be released closer to the date, 


Interested in learning more about the Perth Artifactory, check out their social media here!


Tickets are limited, so get in quick to secure your place!

Ticket Type Price
CRoC's Soldering Workshop Free Ticket $0.00 Unavailable
215, Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Room 105, Building 215, Engineering Pavilion, Curtin University Bentley, Perth, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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