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Curtin Robotics Club

Movie Night

Thu, 31 Aug 2023
19:00 - 21:00

Come down and watch the DARPA Grand Challenge with the Curtin Robotics Club! It's a great way to wind down a bit before the mad rush in tuition free week begins. There will be board games and snacks!


The event is free!


Join NOVA for an exclusive backstage pass to the DARPA Grand Challenge—a raucous race for robotic, driverless vehicles sponsored by the Pentagon, which awards a $2 million purse to the winning team. Armed with artificial intelligence, laser-guided vision, GPS navigation, and 3-D mapping systems, the contenders are some of the world's most advanced robots. Yet even their formidable technology and mechanical prowess may not be enough to overcome the grueling 130-mile course through Nevada's desert terrain. From concept to construction to the final competition, "The Great Robot Race" delivers the absorbing inside story of clever engineers and their unyielding drive to create a champion, capturing the only aerial footage that exists of the Grand Challenge.





This event is only for university students. 

Engineering Pavilion
Curtin University, Building 215, Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Room 105, Building 215, Engineering Pavilion, Curtin University Bentley, Perth, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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